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Provow’s Puppets offers unique ways to bring our children, who are in trouble. This is a way to find the help that they all sometimes need in their young lives.

What Provow’s Puppets wants to develop is a hard topic series, called, “Harvest of Wisdom” that brings greater awareness to children about different subjects like; Drugs, Guns in school, Peer Pressure, Sexual abuse, Bullies, Cigarettes, obesity, Pressure to join gangs, stealing, being handicapped and Suicide and so many other subjects of children’s lives, leaving a huge amount of material to perform. Rick also has one other show that might work better. “Alien News View.”

Tthis will focus on children from all ages that are dealing with serious issues but afraid to tell anyone.

The puppet Characters will open a child to feel safer telling these personalities. There will not only be just shows, but also an interactive WEB SITE where kids can play games and find help with their own personal issues which can sometimes be hard for them to tell their parents about.

There also will be a 1-800 line they can call 24/7 with specially trained people to help direct the child to other people who specialize in these areas. This serves a defined population that needs our help!

Provow’s Puppets is considering whether to go non-profit or as a business relying on some volunteers but also be able to pay certain people with unique talents like Child Psychologist, Physicists, Web Designers, vocal talent, comedy writers, Puppet designers. and Web Technicians to help with any future problems. To have some who are constantly updating and repairing issues as they are happening. So paying for talent will be an ongoing deal. We hope that people will see how important it is not only for their own children but for children all over the USA and even other countries hopefully in the future when we are established. Rickey Provow of Provow’s Puppets has had this dream most of his life and has not been able to sell the idea, because some of the issues he referred to didn’t even exist until now. Rickey feels he is qualified to create puppet personalities himself and with other designers, writers, in other areas of the field of puppetry. Rickey Provow has been involved it the Art of Puppetry for over 45 years.

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